Saints Row Undercover, a cancelled PSP game, was recently revealed to the public for the very first time. Now, people can play it for themselves, thanks to the series’ developer, Volition.

Volition released a playable ISO of Undercover to Unseen 64which will preserve and archive the cancelled Saints Row prototype. You can download it from the links on Unseen’s website, but you’ll need a PSP emulator to run it on PC. Some testers are reporting it to not work on modded PSP hardware.
Volition hosted a live stream today that showcased the prototype, showing off the game’s customization options, gameplay, and bugs. You can check out an archive of Volition’s live stream right here.
This isn’t the only Saints Row game that hasn’t seen the light of day. Saints Row: Money Shot was a game that had players shooting and then manipulating a bullet around obstacles to kill a specific target.