Micromax on Friday launched a ‘dual-mode family tablet’ in India that features an specialised kids mode. Called the Canvas Tabby, the voice-calling tablet is priced at Rs. 6,499 will be available exclusively from Flipkart for three weeks starting June 22, after which it will be available with other online retailers as well.
The firm says the Micromax Canvas Tabby tablet is its first tablet to focus on the kids edutainment section apart from a dedicated kids mode in the tablet. Parents can switch from a regular tablet mode to kid-friendly mode quickly. The tablet also features preloaded educational content in the form of more than 100 apps and over 500 videos.
The dual-mode Canvas Tabby includes creativity and educational apps such as Kids Paint Wild Animals, Kids Paint Vehicles, Kids Spell And Learn Fruits, Kids Spell And Learn Body Parts, and more. Also, parents can remotely access and change the settings of the tablet, get details on what the kid is doing in the tablet via regular reports, block/ filter content, set tablet usage time limit, and more. Creation of up to three different child profiles is also possible for different learning goals. The kids-use mode is said to be powered by EddyPaddy and developed by Educren, a children’s content company.
The Android 4.4 KitKat-based Micromax Canvas Tabby features a 7-inch HD (1280×800 pixel) TFT display with eye glare protection and is powered by an unspecified 1.3GHz dual-core processor, clubbed with 1GB of RAM. A dual-SIM tablet, it offers voice-calling functionality as well.
The Canvas Tabby bears 8GB of built-in storage that’s expandable via microSD card (up to 32GB). It sports a 2-megapixel rear camera, and a VGA front-facing camera. Connectivity options include 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, and GPS. It features a 3200mAh battery.
Commenting on the launch, Vineet Taneja, CEO, Micromax Informatics, said, “We are already well on our way to getting to a market leadership positioning in the tablet category with our portfolio of 7-and-8 inch tablets. We are now reinforcing our commitment to deepen tablet penetration in the country through the launch of this new offering we’re calling the Tabby, with which we also enter an exciting new consumer segment with a specialized offering.