“While many chronic diseases can be treated through medication or surgery , they can be cured only in some cases. Integrative medical care offers hope in these cases,” says Dr Ennapadam S Krishnamoorthy who specialises in integrative medicine. Integrative medical care includes ayurveda, naturopathy, hydrotherapy , mud therapy, acupuncture, acupressure, physiotherapy, reflexology, nutritional supplements, psychological therapy and yoga among others. “These alternative forms of medical care complement allopathy or modern medicine. There is published evidence to suggest the efficacy of selective alternative treatment,” says professor Ravinder Mamtani who deals in public health and integrative medicine. “Indian medical institutions do not have dedicated departments for integrative medicine. The available integrative care in the country mostly caters to the affluent,” says Krishnamoorthy who runs Trimed, a chain of integrative care centres in the city.