As any business leader will tell you, we live in a global world. We know today’s students will one day compete in it when they enter the workplace. That’s why U.S. scores released this week on an international exam are so troubling.
The performance of America’s 15-year-olds in math on the 2018 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) was below the average among other industrialized countries within the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. U.S. scores in both reading and math have not measurably budged in three years, meaning students are not making gains for which we had hoped. The only exception was from our highest performing students.
Combined with the recent lagging results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) we have essentially been hit with a one-two punch to our educational progress that is not only disappointing, but unacceptable. American students deserve better.
But rather than “resetting” education or continuing to revisit old political fights, we should be investing and doubling-down on what works. We should be following evidence-based practices that we know help prepare students for post-secondary success. Our kids simply cannot wait for us to spend idle time maintaining the status quo.
It’s clear from PISA’s results that the top-performers follow a clear blueprint for success. These nations are not wasting time and resources on political squabbles around whether they’ve raised the bar too high for students. Instead they invest in strategies that increase outcomes for their students. In fact, The National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) identified nine “building blocks“ or strategies that countries have used to outperform the United States. Why? Because the authors hoped that, “American policymakers could use that research to improve the performance of our own system.” Those characteristics include:
- Good access to high-quality early childhood education and care
- First-class teachers and school leaders
- Powerful, well-designed instructional systems
- Strong supports for students that need them the most
- Equitable methods of financing schools
- Strong and fair systems of oversight and accountability
This is not a surprising list. Similarly, after NAEP scores showed significant declines in reading in 17 states among 4th graders and in 31 states among 8th graders, nearly a dozen education and civil rights organizations joined in a call to action for improving reading instruction in U.S. classrooms.
That statement echoes the NCEE building blocks. But making lists alone will not lead to progress. We must mirror and scale the practices that we know are making a difference. Mississippi, for example, attributes improvements in math and reading in large part to investment in comprehensive teacher preparation. Louisiana and the District of Columbia point to adherence to high standards, increasing access to early childhood education, and providing improved teacher supports.
Put simply, we are spinning our wheels when we drudge up political fights over how we name standards or argue that we need to completely raze and rebuild our education system. We don’t. We need to stop wasting energy and time and instead focus on what research and best practice tell us improves student outcomes.