Dell has now its XPS 13, Inspiron 5000, and Inspiron 7000 series laptops with Intel’s latest eighth generation Kaby Lake processors. The Dell XPS 13 laptop, which still features the impressive design of the original and the the new Intel Core i7 chip, will be made available starting September 12 at $1,399.99 (roughly Rs. 89,600) but the company says that additional configurations will be made available from October.
Moving on to the Inspiron 5000 series laptops, the 13-inch and 15-inch variants of the 2-in-1 laptop will be receiving the new eighth generation Intel Core processors. In the Inspiron 7000 series of laptops, the standard variant and the Inspiron 7000 2-in-1will be receiving the updated processors. Also, the 17-inch variant of the Inspiron 7000 2-in-1 portable will get the new generation chips.
Separately, Dell has now announced that its Visor mixed-reality headset, which has been made specifically for Microsoft’s Windows Mixed Reality platform, will be made available from October at a price of $349.99 (roughly Rs. 22,400). Customers can also choose to buy a bundle with the headset and two controllers for $449.99 (roughly Rs. 28,800). While the company has described Visor as a mixed-reality headset, it has notably shown only the VR capabilities of the wearable as of now, as pointed out in a separate report by The Verge.
To recall, Microsoft started taking pre-orders for the mixed-reality headsets from Acer and HP in May this year. Engadget points out that just like the headsets from Acer and HP, the wearable from the Dell will also come with 1440×1440 LCD panels and feature sufficient padding that would allow users to wear it comfortably for longer periods as well.
“Dell Visor takes advantage of the same technology used in the Microsoft HoloLens, including inside-out tracking cameras, with a 360 degree panoramic view. The headset itself is able to scan surroundings instead of satellite emitters positioned inside the room,” the company said in its release. The Dell Visor will be made available at Microsoft and select Best Buy stores and in the coming months.