Demand for The Division’s beta test is so high that those on the waitlist for access shouldn’t expect to get in until tomorrow at the earliest, Ubisoft has said.
In a post on Ubisoft’s forums, community manager Natchai Stappers said the company is “seeing an unprecedented level of interest in The Division beta.”
“As a result, it is unlikely that the players who are currently on the waitlist will gain access to the beta today,” he continued. “Our goal is to grant access to all those players interested in playing The Division and we still hope to do so. Please check back tomorrow for an update on the status of the waitlist.”
The Division’s beta launched yesterday, January 28, on Xbox One. The PS4 and PC versions kicked off today and, following some issues with the Steam version, are now running properly. You can still get in by preordering the game or requesting a code from Nvidia (provided you’re willing to play on PC).
The beta continues through the end of the weekend, coming to a close on January 31 on all platforms. The full version of the game is then due out on March 8.