The metallic unibody will now be filled with the famous Snapdragon 652 chipset with 4GB of RAM. The5.five” show can have 1080p resolution, up from 720p. The Android version was bumped to 6.0Marshmallow too and a 64GB garage alternative has been added (there’s a microSD slot in case you needmore).
Gionee S6 pro (pics by means of TENAA) Gionee S6 seasoned (pix by using TENAA) Gionee S6seasoned (pix by TENAA) Gionee S6 pro (pix by using TENAA)
Gionee S6 seasoned (pix by TENAA)
All this made the Gionee S6 seasoned a chunk thicker – from 6.9mm of the everyday S6 to 7.6mm. It weighs the identical, although, and the battery capability is basically unchange